
Bullet Journal & Knitting

I started my first Bullet Journal in November of this year. I have never, ever been a “planner”person. I never felt the need to have to write things down. I only had myself to keep track of. No children with doctor appointments or school activities to remember. I winged it. And got along just fine.

2016 had me thinking about how valuable my time is. How much time I spend doing things that add no value to my life. And…I wanted to see, in black and white, what I was doing with my time.

The bullet journal, according to Ryder Carroll the creator, is your to do list, notebook, diary, sketchbook. And anything else you want it to be. You set it up with what is important to you, not what a preprinted planner says you should keep track of.

*It provides a way to weed out distractions. It is the difference between being busy and being productive.

It allows me to focus on things worth my time, that are important to me and that add value to my life. All of this in just one month!

I am looking  forward to keeping track of my knitting projects, my yarn, needles and all things knitting. I think it will be fun to look back and see what I knit in a months time or three months time or in a years time.

If you’re interested in learning about the system, go to Get the basics, read the blog post on the site, then start. Check the bullet journal hashtag on social media and the tag here on WordPress. So much to see and try. That’s one thing I like about the system. You can change how you plan, track, organize from month to month. You can make it as pretty or simple as you like.

Its yours.

Photos NOT from
I settled on this spread for my knitting tracker


*Quote from the


Triple Play Scarf Free Pattern 

Remember when Lenny Kravitz was photographed wearing that huge scarf/blanket a couple of years ago? I thought I would trip and die if I ever attempted to wear that. It was ridiculously overwhelming.

Now I have my eye on this pattern from Lion brand. It’s a maybe. I’m thinking it could be for when I’m  indoors and I need a wrap to get the chill out. I’m always cold. No winter person here. Nope. 


ChiaGoo 9 Inch Circulars

I have been using my 9″ circulars for sock knitting for a minute now. The verdict is a definite yay. Although it  took a little while to become accustomed to them, I’m glad I stuck with it.  My hands were sore and felt so awkward at first. Once I loosened up my grip, they were fine. I alternate my grip from having my thumb close up to the tips or a little further back on the fabric

People who use them say it helps them knit faster because there is less adjusting than there is with double points or with the Magic loop method. I’m not sure if I knit faster or not. I just know I’m used to them and I prefer them to the Magic loop method.

img_0997img_0998img_1001img_1003I still use my longer circs to start the toe and I also use them if I’m knitting socks two at a time.

I purchased mine on after first checking with two of my local yarn stores. If you decide to try them, give them a fair shot. Try more than one project before giving up on them.

The yarn is Regia Pairfect Cotton.

Hand knit socks · knitting

So, You  Want To Learn to Knit Socks?

Sock knitting is a passion for me. I am partial to a heel flap and gusset construction, however there are still some heel types I have yet to try. There is something about a nice gusset that gets to me. I think it’s the structure of it. It’s almost architectural. The clean, straight angled lines make me…*Sigh*

A young woman I follow on Instagram wants to learn to knit socks. From her posts I can see she is a prolific crocheter. If anyone wants to learn to knit socks, my advice is try to find a class at a local yarn store or see if a local knitting guild would be interested in holding a class. I was lucky enough to find a monthly knitting group at my local library that held a sock knitting class.

It was slow going, but I was determined to learn. I am on sock #13 this year and there is still much for me to learn. The first sock pattern I learned was from the book Socks From The Toe Up by Wendy Knits. This book is a wonderful resource. It has several patterns for you to try and keeps you interested and eager to try them all. Her blog is where you can find links for all of her books and several free  patterns. Enjoy!


Sock yarn score on the Long Island yarn crawl


My new sock blockers from Webs



Knitting Workshop with Elizabeth Zimmermann

I borrowed the Knitting Workshop with Elizabeth Zimmermann DVD from my local library. Twice. I haven’t seen it all yet. There are two discs, divided into three parts with four half hour lessons in each part. 

I started watching and taking notes. However, watching her knit gave me the urge to knit, so I watched and knit along with EZ. Now, it’s an after the holidays purchase for myself. I am loving it! What a personality this woman was. 

What’s included in the DVD 

The website has patterns, books and videos. Enjoy!


Chunky Cable Pullover

This is my current project. I saw Amy Herzog on the television show Knit and Crochet Now and she was giving instruction on how to knit this sweater. I fell in love with it. The cables make it look complex, however, Amy’s explanation gave me the courage to give it a go. 

I’m hoping to be finished by Vogue Knitting Live in January. I was too late to sign up for Amy’s class. ( There’s always next year) It sold out quickly. I would love, love love to be able to wear it to my most favorite knitting event. 

My progress so far. 
Here is the free sweater pattern, if you’re interested. The designer is Sandi Rosner.