
About.Com for Knitting Information And Resources

Photo taken at LI Livestock, Yaphank NY Happy knitting!

One of my very first sock patterns was from I visited the site today and realized how much there is to read there. Here are a few links that I found interesting. Please take a look if you already haven’t. I hope you find it as useful and informative as I have.

Everything you need to know about learning how to knit

Easy knitting patterns perfect for beginners

How to read a lace knitting chart

Learn how to master the little pearls knitting stitch

A complete guide to knitting your first sweater

And my favorite

Where to find good, free knitting patterns


The Cutest Preemie Hat Patterns. 

There are five different versions of a preemie hat included in this free pattern by Carissa Brownng. There is an eyelet, a striped one, one with a diamond design, one with a heart design and a ribbed one. I made the eyelet hat and am now casting on for the striped one.  The Eastern Long Island Knitting Guild asked their members if they would donate their time and knitting skills for Cohen’s Children’s Hospital. This is my very first charity knit. I don’t know what took me so long. If you’re looking to do something for charity, consider one of these adorable hats. Get the pattern here hatsimg_1221.


Vogue Knitting Live In New York City. 



This was my third year at THE event of my knitting world. Vogue Knitting Live. This was also the first time I felt confident enough to take a class. I attended Melissa Leapman’s Plug “n” Play workshop. I came away with an understanding of my body type and what sweater style is most flattering for me. She discussed the sweater silhouette, the sleeve style and neck type best for various body types. Her latest book is 6000+ Pullover possibilities. I’m glad I took the class. I’ll be taking a class again next year. The fashion shows are always a highlight for me. I leave wanting to “knit all the things”. If they come to your city and you love the fiber arts, go and enjoy. 


Who Knits A Sweater Of The Golden Gate Bridge?


I saw this post about Sam Barsky on’s Facebook page.  This guy Knits sweaters of different places, scenes and landmarks, then takes photos of himself at that place. I was blown away at his creativity and talent. I love knitting so much!  Enjoy the photos. 


How I am managing my yarn stash in my bullet journal. 

img_1036Late last year, I was listening to the VeryPink Knits podcast. Staci and KC (the hosts) were discussing how Staci does not have a yarn stash. I must have looked real cute in my cubicle at work, with my ear buds in and my mouth wide open. NO STASH!!? I do not know one knitter that does not have a stash. I am a new knitter. As a matter of fact, tomorrow, January 7th is my knitterversary. It will be my fourth knitterversary.

After four years, I have quite the stash. Let me take you back to the Verypink podcast. When KC asked Staci what she does when she goes into a yarn store and sees all the beautiful yarn, Staci said something like, I touch it, admire it and put it back. She only buys yarn she is going to cast on right away. Hmmm. I could do that.

I’ve been on a simplifying kick. I listen to the podcast, I participate in project 333 created by Courtney Carver of Be more with less and I started a bullet journal.

How I’m keeping track of my projects.

. One of my goals for 2017 is to use the yarn I have before buying anymore. And after attaining that goal, I will only buy yarn I am ready to cast on with.

I needed to take inventory. I needed a way to see my stash dwindle. Needed to see my progress. It keeps me motivated. Enter the bullet journal. My notebook is pretty simple. Mostly black ink. Very little color. I use it to keep track of all my yarn. I track the weight, brand, quantity and whatever notes pertain to the yarn. So far, this spread is working for me. I would love to see what other knitters use their bullet journals for. If you’re on Instagram, leave me your IG name, I love the inspiration on Instagram.  My IG name is NYknits.